Discover and Clear Internalized Oppressive Patterns in a Practice that Liberates Your Lifeforce to Act in a Grounded, Resilient, Heart-Centered Life that Works

We want deep liberation. We want to move our gifts in the service of life, show up for each other, and receive the support we need. We want the skills to divest from harmful systems, like the status quo set by a culture driving us into climate catastrophe and stealing the future of our children for the convenience of a few.

And, we can’t do this alone nor are we meant to.

The tools and ideologies of modernity are not sufficient for navigating the chaos of these times in a way that supports our communities and we become ancestors our descendants of blood and spirit would be proud of. Most of us aren't aware of the multiple ways our energy is being drained, given away, or simply wasted unnecessarily.

We are bombarded by a seemingly endless stream of local and global crises and it can feel difficult to find our footing and know how to act to create meaningful change. Our attention is then further divided by addictive technologies designed to steal our focus. We have normalized the stress of trying to create healthy relationships in a codependent culture that encourages us to be dehumanized or dehumanize others to meet our basic needs.

For those of us who are BIPOC folks, we have the additional burden of oppressive narratives telling us we are taking up too much space, need to carefully police our emotions and tone to be heard, need to be exceptional to be taken seriously, and that simply stating our lives matter is controversial.

Whatever identities, roles, or labels we carry, we can learn the skills to extricate ourselves from the largely extractive culture we live in. We can learn to navigate oppressive systems and the anti-life cosmologies of settler colonialism and capitalism without internalizing the harmful stories these systems are constantly telling us about ourselves.

Colonialist ideologies teach us to privilege the mind over the body, emotions, and spirit. This manifests in ignoring the language of your senses, disregarding the red flags your body sends, and disconnection from the wisdom of your nature and the natural world around you.

You can resist this ideology by sustaining the four basic dynamics of your energy body and learning to communicate in its language. Then your red flags become the keys to transforming unresolved past issues, anxiety and overwhelm, and removing internalized oppression.

We can transform these stressed, anxious, depressed, deeply lonely, and disconnected patterns through the language and wisdom of our own energy body and our choice to create change there.

This course offers you the foundational skills for truly intimate relationships and participation in regenerative community in ways that don’t cause us to burn out, martyr ourselves, dominate others, or feel overwhelmed by others energy.

This means you can build the life of meaning and purpose that you dream of and free your imagination and life force energy in service of collective liberation.

That's why we at Last Mask Center created Energy Body Mastery, to help you become intimate with your energy body and its languages. Once fluent, you can transform your life, cultivate the resilience to act and organize collectively to create change, and build community networks of regenerative, inspired care.


Energy Body Mastery is one of the
pre-requisites for the following courses:

Shadow Transformation Protocol
Strongly Recommended

8-week live online course
offered annually

Energy Body Clearing: The Foundation

7-week live online course
offered annually
starts April, 2025

Transforming Persistent Patterns: Healing the Ancestral Lines Part 2
8-week live online course
offered every other year

The Threshold

5-day, in person immersion
offered annually

In this seven-week program, you'll learn how to:

  • Troubleshoot common Energy Body challenges most of us face every day (especially those of us navigating systems shaped by settler-colonialism)
  • Clearly understand the four key structures of your Energy Body, and why that's important
  • Cultivate the dynamics of your Energy Body with simple daily actions
  • Use the power of visualizations to engage your imagination
  • Clear oppressive patterning organically and release your limiting beliefs
  • Clear emotional turmoil, childishness, or numbness to free yourself from unresolved past issues
  • Create deep flexible grounding, a clear central channel that connects you to your innate divinity, healthy intelligent boundaries, a trustworthy relationship with truth and reliable intuition
  • Liberate your life force and decolonize your relationship with power and sovereignty

By the end of this course, you'll have the information, tools and practices to release stress and anxiety at its root, to disentangle yourself from complex relationships, and to redirect your energy into activities you value and enjoy.

You will create a new solid foundation for your life, ingrained in inner wisdom, deep passion, and clarity.

Sundays February 9th to March 23rd 2025 @ 9am PT / 12pm ET

Do you already know you want this class?



I grew up in Washington Heights in New York City. For my first 6 years I was surrounded by people who looked like me and had an incredibly diverse group of friends from many different backgrounds.

Then my family moved to a neighborhood where I was the only Black kid in my school. I didn’t have much of a context for racism at the time. I interpreted racist behavior towards me as something that was fundamentally wrong with me. This toxicity stayed with me for many years, weaving insidiously in with other trauma that I experienced and causing me to dissociate from my body frequently, becoming withdrawn and shy.

As I grew older I found myself working full time with no insurance at a job I hated, drowning in student loan debt, confusing others’ emotions with my own, and rarely honoring my limits and boundaries. I carried a lot of internalized oppression and that toxicity manifested as emotional, mental and physical illness.

When western medicine failed to help my struggle with an autoimmune illness, I found a shaman who diagnosed one primary issue at the root of all my problems: no boundaries. The shaman, Christina Pratt, removed the problematic energetic compensation I had created and tasked me with cultivating my own actual, energy body.

At first, the phrase “energy body” felt strange and awkward. But moving through the teachings of Last Mask Center and the Cycle of Transformation taught me how to deeply ground in my body, get out of my head, and develop a deep sense of belonging and home. I finally learned how to cultivate healthy, intelligent boundaries, and take responsibility for my energy as a spiritual adult. I was able to use the tools to get to the root of internalized homophobia, racism, and other harmful cultural narratives and fully accept and honor all of who I am.

Everything changed:

  • I am able to release and transform the ways I internalized oppression and trauma from my past so that it no longer impacts my present.
  • I am initiated in my ancestral spiritual traditions that I was able to engage on a deep level in large part because of the skills of spiritual adulthood I learned with Last Mask Center
  • I am part of a community of people devoted to living animist skills in service to meeting the needs of our time and creating a culture in service of life
  • I have opened up abundant access to my authentic emotional response, my wildness, my sexuality, my creativity and my humor all of which felt almost impossible to access in a healthy way before

Energy Body Mastery has become a foundation that supports every single aspect of my life. I see my life as a teacher, actively conspiring with my body and soul to show me what needs my attention so that I can bring my unique medicine into the world.

While I learned the hard way, I envision a future where younger generations don’t have to. I am devoted to sharing these techniques with others. They are the best foundation I know.

I have now taught this work since 2014 and watched hundreds of students change their lives and their communities as they apply these teachings. I am devoted to teaching this class annually because it is one the best foundations I know for humaning well amidst the chaos of these times. These are essential skills for learning how to move in community and I don’t think there’s any other way we can solve the biggest challenges facing us as humanity currently.

I hope you’ll join me on this adventure of cultivating a liberated energy body and finding the freedom to live what has heart and meaning for us. Join me as we act and organize in service of collective liberation.

What People are Saying About
Energy Body Mastery…

"I recently wrapped up studying Energy Body Mastery and it has been life-changing. I have been in therapy for years working on untangling deeply entrenched stories and beliefs that have long held me trapped in persistent, oppressive patterns. (EBM) has helped me not only discover root causes of these deep beliefs and stories but also has helped me to clear them. I cannot celebrate enough how liberating and empowering this feels to have unlocked parts of myself I didn’t realize were even there and to now feel movement and spaciousness in places where I for so long have felt frozen and stuck…As a black woman doing my clearing work during a time when racial tensions in my country are high, it was really refreshing to work with a person of color who could also offer support around clearing stories/beliefs rooted in my response to growing up in a racist culture. I’m forever thankful because not only did I find out I can actually clear these places, I now have skills to continue doing this work for myself."

- Ngozi Olemgbe, Health Educator

“Energy Body Mastery has been-and continues to be-foundational for all my work, and indeed for life. I’d learned about spiritual hygiene and therapeutic boundaries but it was all abstract and sporadic. EBM gave me a daily practice and a practical framework to understand the dimensions of my energy body and the space between my energy and the energy of the world. As a person who loves to overthink, I found the tools gently shifted my awareness out of my mind and into my body, with compassion and curiosity. …The course creates and reaches into a global community of people wanting to live a healthy, conscious and intentional lives. I found so much support online and still do. EBM is compassionate, clear, sustainable, foundational and essential.”

- Bridget de Gersigny, MFA., LGBTQI activist-funder, & Shamanic Practitioner

"Energy Body Mastery helped me to establish a relationship with my inner landscape that is allowing me to meet these crazy times grounded, centered, with boundaries, and even with joy! The step by step class structure truly made it possible to develop mastery at a foundational level for self-resourcing. ...(EBM) created a safe container to realize my body as the ultimate wisdom keeper and as the greatest authority over my experience. I've honed an ability to relate with what I notice in my body and emotions from a place of curiosity and empowered presence rather than assumption, story, or overwhelm. EBM is now the base of all my other endeavors to realize a more beautiful and vibrant life."

- Nijlan R. Bastet, Erosotic Attunement Guide

“Energy Body Mastery has been the most instrumental practice for cleaning up my relationships, especially when it came to patterns, habits, conflicts, resentments, and even the most subtle codependencies. Self-responsibility has shifted from a mental and psychological concept, to an undoubted clarity that the way I am with my energy starts with me. Now, when I tend to my own energy I access new responses and behaviors and new ways of perceiving, being, and relating to others.”

- Mati Vargas-Gibson, MA, MFA, Certified Teacher of 5Rhythms Movement Meditation


Here’s What You’ll Learn

Session 1 Seeing and Feeling Your Invisible Energy Body

Find out why having an energy body is the most important thing you should know about.

What's more, your energy body has "hygiene" needs just like your physical body. Imagine what your physical body would look and feel like if you never cared for it?

During this session you'll learn:

  • The practice to cleanse your energy body
  • The practice to nourish your energy body
  • Options to create a strong, grounded foundation for stability, measured change, and balance
  • How to dispel the many "false foundations" people commonly ground into
  • The practice to strengthen your grounded foundation in day-to-day life

Session 2 Cultivating the Endless Resources Available to You

The center of your energy body is a meeting place of Heaven and Earth.

Each is an endless, but distinctly different, resource that you can draw on to restore, enliven, or attune any aspect of your body, heart, mind, or spirit.

With the right practices, the possibilities to use these resources are bound only by your imagination.

In this session, you'll continue to build on the understanding of the principles and add more practices. You'll learn:

  • The practice to step into the center of your energy body and meet “Heaven and Earth”
  • The practice to align your instinct (center), your intuition (heart), and your insight (mind)
  • How to activate and cultivate your own Truth Cord so that you know the truth regardless of expectations, manipulations, and undue influence of others
  • To self-correct your everyday actions that weaken your Truth Cord with actions that strengthen it

Session 3 Creating Intelligent Boundaries

Healthy boundaries have their own intelligence. These support you in simplifying messy relationships, clarifying your focus, and conserving energy in your interactions.

Boundaries are a real thing, created in your energy body, and are reinforced by your words and actions.

When healthy boundaries exist in the energy body, you will no longer feel porous, anxious, or easily invaded by others.

In this session, you'll continue to build on the understanding of the principles and add more practices. You'll learn:

  • To clarify what healthy, intelligent boundaries are and dispel popular myths and misconceptions of boundaries and shielding
  • The practice to direct energy into healthy boundaries and open the imagination to experience claiming a safe space
  • Techniques for scanning, clearing, and repairing the boundaries

Session 4 Owning Your Power to Create Change

With the primary structures of your energy body now created and connected, we can begin to use this as an internal space.

This is where you’ll align and attune with energies. It is also where you find your stories, memories, and the unresolved issues from the past that have taken root.

Now you have 100% power to create change in yourself.

In this session, you will explore your energy body as an inner landscape and learn skills to create change. You’ll learn:

  • The importance of your Inner Healer, who is the guide to your inner landscape
  • How beliefs manifest in your inner landscape and how to access the power to change
  • Your seven powers and the seven poisons that undermine them

Session 5 Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom

Life is conspiring with your soul in every moment to give you the experiences you need to remember why you are here.

And that conspiracy can be frustrating, challenging, frightening—and at times heartbreaking—until we figure out how to learn from this Great Teacher.

With that knowledge, each lesson is an opportunity to come to know your True Self, the one who remains whole and unharmed.

In this session, you will explore the principles, techniques, and practices you need to unlock your wisdom. You’ll learn:

  • Techniques to notice “who in you” is ready, and then accurately unlock your hidden wisdom
  • Coordinated practice for cultivating your energy body and the beliefs that support the True Self
  • Guidelines for supporting others in clearing and being supported
  • The review-of-the-day practice to notice “who in you” is ready, pull back your projections, and create effective change

Session 6 Releasing the Gifts of Self in Repeating Patterns

Repeating patterns come in many forms and they are all unwieldy, unconscious, and expensive to work with in life because the source of the pattern is elusive.

By week six, you’ll know that the source of these patterns is rooted in your Energy Body. At the source, they are simple, and you have the power to change them.

Your Deep Liberation arises when you clear the source in the energy body and free yourself to shape your life with conscious choice.

In this session, you will explore the principles, techniques, and practices you need to gain freedom from your repeating patterns. You’ll learn:

  • To enjoy the adventure and discover techniques to follow the energy, track with Crazy Logic, and trust the process
  • Clarify “who in you" holds the unresolved past energies and how they show up in your inner landscape
  • To use inner self inquiry to uncover your hearts unique secret
  • Experience the power of curiosity and compassion

Session 7 Clearing the Past, Claiming Your Future

Clearing the source energies of repeating patterns and emotional upset is satisfying, exhilarating and freeing. And each clearing is a reunion between you and a long lost aspect of your True Self.

As you learn to weave more and more of your True Self together, your heart-centered, present-time self grows unstoppable. This leads to claiming the future of your deepest desires.

This session puts it all together. You’ll learn:

  • Techniques for clearing the “cords” and “contracts” that comprise the foundation of draining or unsatisfying relationships
  • Best practices for Energy Body Mastery
  • Best practices for clearing solo and in pairs
  • Techniques for completing your process, identifying the True Self being restored, and “cleaning up” or recycling byproducts of the patterns cleared

What People are Saying About Langston…

“Langston is extremely gifted, knowledgeable, compassionate and divinely guided. His work and teachings are powerfully transformative producing real-life results. After working with him I was able to shift trauma-based relationship dynamics in my family that I have been struggling within for years. I was able to engage with a confidence, compassion, ease, and fullness of self I didn't know was possible. He weaves together practical tools and powerful work with Spirit to altar and clear deep within the spiritual realm and the energy body stagnant and heavy patterns, creating vibrant new possibilities. Anyone who says that deep emotional issues and traumas cannot be healed has not met Langston Kahn.”

Jamari Michael White

"Langston is deeply skilled and rooted in his emotional clearing practice. Through his own powerful and embodied connection to this path of practice, he guides others gracefully with loving awareness. I have both witnessed others and been deeply met and supported by Langston's presence and skills in this realm of practice. This medicine that he holds so beautifully and shares so generously, is truly an accessibility approach to self-love and embodied tending to the spirit."

Tamira Cousett, Ritual & Ancestral Healing Facilitator

"Langston is an incredibly skilled and embodied ritualist and facilitator, gifted at being able to attune deeply to the needs of the group. He brings great care, integrity and emotional awareness into his work and relationships. It’s clear that he has delved deeply into his own personal work which I feel is also why he’s able to show up so fully. Plus he’s just a really kind, heart centered and magical human."

- Chi Young Kim, Ancestral Healing and Ritual Practitioner

"Healing is not a solitary process. Healing generations of trauma is both an interdisciplinary and interdimensional process. I trust Langston because he lives with community as his praxis. Langston is an effective healer because he is an experienced and deft navigator of journeys through multiple realities. He is an exquisite listener; he offers wise counsel; and his expertise comes with an abundance of compassion and clarity. I cannot recommend him more highly."

Daniel Alexander Jones, Artist and Educator

“Langston is one of the first senior teachers at Last Mask Center in the Cycle of Transformation Teachings. He has dedicated years of study with me, mentored community members, and explored many years of independent study of additional work that allows him to deepen and express his unique gifts. I am honored to call him a community member and senior teacher. You will be in exceptionally good hands.”

Christina Pratt, author, healer, teacher at Last Mask Center and creator of Energy Body Mastery

It's More Than A Course, It's Your Community

When you register for Energy Body Mastery, you'll become part of an inspired, vibrant global learning community of individuals just like you, who are seeking skills to become the men, women and non-binary people of power they were born to be. You'll interact online with Langston, Christina and your fellow students from around the world through a private, social network created exclusively for the participants of this course. These are oral, experiential teachings that require engagement and camaraderie of working it out together. You will be assisting and partnering with each other to learn from the collective wisdom we share together. Many students retake the course each year, building a community of practice full of shared wisdom and robust support that deepens and expands with each offering.

Rest assured, your personal work will always be held securely in this sacred, virtual space. As a part of each week's curriculum, you'll be given practices, questions for reflection, and invited to post your responses in the forum. Langston will be available on a weekly basis to answer your questions and deepen your enjoyment of learning to be a better human.

Seven Live 90-Minute Course Sessions Facilitated
by Langston Kahn 

Each session will teach you, step-by-step, the techniques to cultivate your energy body and the practical tools for mastery in emotional and intuitive energy processing. Langston will support and guide you in the practices, application, and exploration of this complete skill set. Through the sessions you will develop awareness, cultivate actual components of your energy body, and understand precisely how to use them with integrity in the world.

Please note: Recordings of these sessions will be posted each day, so if you can’t make a session live, you will always have access to listen.

Seven Live Q&A Sessions
with Langston Kahn 

Langston has set aside time each week to answer your questions. You will have the opportunity to learn from each other’s questions, experience, and the answers shared as you develop clarity and integrity in your energy body. If you have concerns or uncertainty arise in the practices, these sessions are offered to help you get clearer and more connected to the concepts in the course.

Please note: Recordings of these sessions will be posted each day, so if you can’t make a session live, you will always have access to listen.

Practices, Weekly Focus
and Optional Study Group

Each week you will receive practices and an experiential focus specifically designed to deepen and support your understanding and practical integration of the course content covered. You are welcome to join the optional study group or view the recording. There is both a general study group open to all students and a BIPOC only study group.

Access to Custom-Designed, Private Website with Materials, Videos, and Practices

You will have access to all of the course materials on the Energy Body Mastery Course website and Christina Lee Pratt’s original version of the course. Where every you are you can simply log in to find the weekly practices, challenges, videos, and the recording of the sessions.

Audio Recordings of All Sessions

You will receive a recording of each course session so if you miss a live session or wish to listen to it again and again you can. These recordings can be a wonderful tool to deepen your integration of the teachings.

Private Discussion Group for Participants

Connect and engage with other course participants in this private, practice community group. As you go through the course, you will be able to connect with other participants to share your questions, experiences, breakthroughs and insights. This collaborative support allows you to deepen into the principles and teachings and share your expanding human experience.


Releasing Trauma Through the Felt Sense—an online class with Langston Kahn

The felt sense, a term first coined by Eugene Gendlin, is a knowing beyond words that we carry within our bodies. Join Langston as he shares his area of deep expertise: how we can engage this vital wisdom of the body to release painful, overwhelming or stuck places within ourselves and allow them to guide us towards forward movement in our lives.

Learn to Listen to Your Body — eBook by Langston Kahn

7 Steps for Accessing Your Innate Wisdom and Getting Unstuck. Access the innate wisdom of your body and engage your emotions in a way that allows them to express fully, share the information they contain and then be released. Learn these steps to get unstuck from your patterns and allow the BIG YOU to move more freely out in the world.

Engaging Dance and Movement to Navigate Towards Freedom with Langston Kahn

In this class Langston Kahn offers some of the Cycle of Transformation tools for using movement to cultivate a felt sense of freedom in the body and navigate towards it in life. This bonus includes: the class recording, playlist, and transformational prompts to use and reuse.

Qi Gong for the Cultivation Grounding Energy—Video with Christina Pratt

Grounding is a choice. To ground is to show up and be present in your body, which is the first step to everything else that really matters. This qi gong guides you in the cultivation of grounding energy that supports you no matter where you are or what is going on around you.

Qigong for the Cultivation of Heaven on Earth: The Center Channel — Video with Christina Pratt

Conserving and protecting your energy resources are essential to live well. The world looks physical and solid, but in reality, it’s all energy and it’s all connected—and so are you. Whether you are engaged in religion, spirituality, shamanism or just plain living life you are still an energy being living in an energy world. This practice cultivates your relationship with the Universal energies of the nourishing, sacred Earth and the radiant, divine Sky to replenish and inspire.

Qigong for the Cultivation of Healthy Boundaries — Video with Christina Pratt

Healthy energetic boundaries are necessary to respond flexibly to what the day offers while staying focused on your vision in the face of multiple distractions. When you choose to ignore your boundaries or to shield and over-fortify, you lose or waste energy throughout the day and experience miscommunication and dissatisfaction in relationships. This practice cultivates the energy and awareness needed for healthy boundaries to allow focus and resources to flow into you, your relationships and your path to your destiny

Qigong for the Cultivation and Exploration of your Inner Landscape — Video with Christina Pratt

To have the energy to live authentically we need to cultivate a vital and robust energy body. Qi gong, time in nature, and naps can fill the bucket, while a day that requires you ignore your body, work beyond your ability to think, and drink caffeine to survive the day usually empties the bucket. This practice cultivates the energy and awareness of our inner landscape where we can clear the deep roots of persistent patterns and recover hidden inner resources.

Energy Body Mastery
7-Week Online Course with Langston Kahn
Starts February 9th 2025


1 payment of


3 payments of

Terms and Conditions

Terms and ConditionsWe are committed to providing the highest level of satisfaction on all of our programs and products, and fully stand behind our courses.

If you find within the first 30 days from your purchase date that you are not satisfied with the course, you may request a 100% refund of your payment. Thereafter no further refunds will be given and any monies owning as part of any payment plan option will be due and payable as part of the full course fee.

Refunds will be issued in the same form of payment made and may take up to three weeks to process.

Refund requests must be made in writing to

Email Andrea at for any further enquiries and we will be glad to assist you.


Langston Kahn is a shamanic practitioner and teacher specializing in radical human transformation, ancestral healing, and the restoration of an authentic relationship with our emotions. He stands firmly at the crossroads, his practice informed by the contemporary shamanic tradition of the Cycle of Transformation, somatic modalities, initiations into traditions of the African Diaspora, training with indigenous elders and his helping spirits, and ancestors weaving it all together. He gives workshops and lectures globally in person and online and is the author of Deep Liberation: Shamanic Teachings for Reclaiming Wholeness in a Culture of Trauma.

Langston is one of the first people in thirty years to be trained as a senior teacher in the Cycle of Transformation and carry forth the shamanic lineage founded by Christina Pratt of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing. The teachings of the Cycle of Transformation are held by the Cycle Community, a collective of people striving to live in alignment with ancient animist principles and applying them in service of personal and collective liberation. Langston has trained, organized and lead (as part of a shared leadership by council model) within the Cycle Community for over a decade. For more information you can visit Langston’s website:

From Langston:
“We cannot wait for our culture to become whole so we can heal. We must become the people resilient, creative and courageous enough to bring healing to ourselves and others from within a fractured culture.”


Christina Pratt created the original curriculum for Energy Body Mastery and helped co-create the course in its current form taught by Langston for the last 5 years.

Founder of Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, Christina offers shamanic healing, classes in contemporary life skills, and pioneers new shamanic techniques to deal with the illnesses of our times. Christina is the host of the international, live-Internet radio show Why Shamanism Now, logging over 400 hours of free podcasts on the practical application of shamanism. She is also the author of the two-volume set “An Encyclopedia of Shamanism”, and a presenter in several Shamanic Summits, including those for Shift Network and Sounds True.

From Christina:
“I believe that we can draw deeply on the foundational wisdom of the ancients to rise up with innovation and creativity to meet the challenges of our time. I believe that it is only as emotionally mature, spiritual adults, that we can create solutions that won’t become the next generation’s problems. I believe that we can learn to let true meaning and purpose motivate inspired and passionate action that creates a world we are honored to hand down to our children and the coming generations. And I am committed to teaching the skills to do this and supporting others in doing the same.”



Black folks, Indigenous folks, and people of color are explicitly invited to the course and their experience will be centered as we move through the 7-weeks. Anyone of any ancestry or identity is welcome to take Energy Body Mastery however. Through centering BIPOC perspectives and animist indigenous epistemologies we work to create a liberatory space that all can benefit from. We also offer a BIPOC only study group in addition to the General study group.

The culture of these courses is very unique compared to many other social justice and organizing spaces, other spiritual spaces and other psychological healing spaces. It emerges from an embodied animist cosmology of the Cycle of Transformation. Animism is the embodied understanding that all of life is ensouled, is our family and has an essential perspective to offer. In animism it is understood that all true power emerges from relationship. Animist traditions and practices teach us how to cultivate a quality of relationship with ourselves, each other and our more than human relatives that allows all of life to thrive. Through centering those who are most marginalized by settler-colonial and white supremacist culture we work to help everyone get more free.


Absolutely. Anyone who would like to join the course is welcome. It is our intention that all will benefit from bearing witness to each other’s process and the themes that arise as we engage this sacred work together.

What are the dates and times for the sessions?

The course begins Sunday February 9th @ 9am PT / 12pm ET and ends March 23rd. Each session is 120 minutes and recordings of classes will always be provided. Attending classes live is encouraged but not required. There is robust support provided for people who are not able to attend live including teacher lead study groups and a very active online forum hosted on Mighty Networks.

What is an online course?

This online course delivers live curriculum to you on a weekly basis and you can determine and control how you do the work. Whether your favorable work time is morning or evening, you can participate live or listen to the recordings of each session at your convenience. In addition, all of the course materials are available to you at any time on the course website.

Do I need any special equipment?

Nothing special, just a device that connects to the Internet to participate in the Zoom classes, access the Facebook group, and to access the course website. Headphones can help with sound quality.

What if I miss a Live Session or Q&A?

Please do not worry! This is not a problem – recordings of each session are available soon after so you can download and listen to them at your own convenience. You can post any questions in advance for the live class in our group at and Langston will answer them in the next live session.

I can’t attend each session live — What now?

No worries. You can post questions in advance on the Mighty Networks discussion group or after you have watched the recording of the class. In fact, many people who take the course are unable to attend all the sessions live and they report that their experiences are just as powerful via the recordings.

What if I need more support, are you available for sessions?

Langston and other trained practitioners are available for individual sessions via phone, Skype or Zoom for course participants if you feel you require individual consultation. There is limited availability. For questions and queries regarding the teaching content each session, you are encouraged to post on our Mighty Networks private group.

Do I have to finish the course in a certain time period?

You can finish the course at your own pace in your own time. You will be able to download all the materials and/or access them on the course website. You will have ongoing access to the online community so that you can continue to interact and learn with the course participants even after you have completed your sessions. There will be ongoing support offered for continued learning and integration.

What about confidentiality?

Your experience remains completely confidential. If you wish to share in the live session or on the private Mighty Networks group, there is a confidentiality agreement in place. We respect the vulnerability it takes to learn something new and honor the shared, sacred space.

Do I need strong internet skills to do this course?

Only for accessing the course website, downloading course material (if you choose to) and interaction in the Q&A aspect of the sessions. We will give you all the support we can – and you’ll see that, once you’re in the flow, it’s really easy.

Does the course require specific knowledge or experience?

Previous knowledge or experience is not required or necessary. All you need is curiosity, compassion for your own learning self, and joy in engaging your imagination.
