Tuesday, January 19th @ 5:00 PM PST/8:00 PM EST
(All registered will receive a recording)

A Live Global Party, Book Launch, And Online Event
with teacher, author, and healer, Langston Kahn of Occupy Your Heart
and Christina Pratt of Last Mask Center

Tuesday, January 19th @ 5:00 PM PST/8:00 PM EST
(All registered will receive a recording)

Last Mask Center Online celebrates Langston Kahn and his first book, Deep Liberation: Shamanic Tools for Reclaiming Wholeness in a Culture of Trauma.

In his book Langston lays down the path for us to use Energy Body Mastery and Clearing skills to move into the promise of this New Year and a New World.

Join us as we celebrate this possible future and how we get there together.

There will be:

  • Inspired readings from the book, Deep Liberation: Shamanic Tools for Reclaiming Wholeness in a Culture of Trauma
  • Giveaways of digital and physical treats
  • Guided exploration of these liberatory technologies to deepen your connection to your purpose, the Earth, and your vision for the future
  • Time for your questions
  • Some more live performance
  • Resources we have available to support your journey
  • A path forward for readers of the book to form Deep Liberation Circles, diverse communities all around the world of people choosing to use these teachings and tools to support each other on a path of radical liberation

Register for Free for this
Special LIVE Event
We respect your privacy. Your details will never be shared or sold. You’ll also receive the recording of the event.

“This book is an invitation to join a rescue mission. …We are rescuing the technologies needed to step into right relationship with each other and our world… to recover our power from a history and culture of trauma.

We are rescuing the many selves inside of us lost in moments of fear and pain who hold vital unique gifts and medicine we are meant to be sharing with the world.

We are rescuing the knowing at the core of our humanity of our connection to all living things that we can’t step away from even if we wanted to, but that our culture so often encourages us to forget so we are easier to market to.

Most importantly, we are rescuing the tools and techniques that allow us to awaken to the ecstatic conversation with the archetypal realms, the Gods, and with Life that we are being invited into all the time.

In this way, we are liberating our sense of belonging and purpose within the collective organism of the Earth and our ability to act consciously as a vital part of that relational field. In this way, we can free ourselves and each other.”

-- Langston Kahn, Deep Liberation

Langston Kahn is a New York City based shamanic practitioner specializing in emotional clearing and radical transformation. He stands firmly at the crossroads, his practice informed by the western modality of Inner Relationship Focusing, initiations into traditions of the African Diaspora, the contemporary shamanic tradition of The Last Mask Center ,and the guidance of his helping spirits and ancestors weaving it all together.

He joyfully endeavors to bring spirituality out of the dark dusty recesses of esotericism and into our daily existence, where it can aid us in re-aligning with the ecstatic energy of our soul’s purpose and opening our hearts to create real lasting change. He firmly believes that no emotional wounds or trauma is beyond healing and is devoted to guiding adventurous souls in transmuting what has been poison in their lives into medicine for themselves and the world.

Christina Lee Pratt is the founder of Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, in Portland, Oregon, where she is pioneering new shamanic techniques to deal with the illnesses of our times. She offers classes in contemporary life skills, shamanic healing for individuals, families, and communities, and The Cycle of Transformation, a challenging, four-year training in the skills needed to become the people who can create a just world where all life flourishes.

She is the host of the international, Internet radio show Why Shamanism Now and the author of the two-volume set “An Encyclopedia of Shamanism”. Christina believes that cultivating energy body mastery is the first step in bringing ancient shamanic ways into our time so that we, the Living, can heal, change, innovate, and become the medicine needed in our time. Together we can create a just world where life flourishes and we hold sacred the responsibility to be ecologically and economically sustainable in our every action.

Christina Lee Pratt is the founder of Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, in Portland, Oregon, where she is pioneering new shamanic techniques to deal with the illnesses of our times. She offers classes in contemporary life skills, shamanic healing for individuals, families, and communities, and The Cycle of Transformation, a challenging, four-year training in the skills needed to become the people who can create a just world where all life flourishes.

She is the host of the international, Internet radio show Why Shamanism Now and the author of the two-volume set “An Encyclopedia of Shamanism”. Christina believes that cultivating energy body mastery is the first step in bringing ancient shamanic ways into our time so that we, the Living, can heal, change, innovate, and become the medicine needed in our time. Together we can create a just world where life flourishes and we hold sacred the responsibility to be ecologically and economically sustainable in our every action.

Register for Free for this Special LIVE Event.
Tuesday, January 19th @ 5:00 PM PST/8:00 PM EST

(All registered will receive a recording)
