“This book is an invitation to join a rescue mission. …We are rescuing the technologies needed to step into right relationship with each other and our world… to recover our power from a history and culture of trauma.
We are rescuing the many selves inside of us lost in moments of fear and pain who hold vital unique gifts and medicine we are meant to be sharing with the world.
We are rescuing the knowing at the core of our humanity of our connection to all living things that we can’t step away from even if we wanted to, but that our culture so often encourages us to forget so we are easier to market to.
Most importantly, we are rescuing the tools and techniques that allow us to awaken to the ecstatic conversation with the archetypal realms, the Gods, and with Life that we are being invited into all the time.
In this way, we are liberating our sense of belonging and purpose within the collective organism of the Earth and our ability to act consciously as a vital part of that relational field. In this way, we can free ourselves and each other.”
-- Langston Kahn, Deep Liberation